注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

Center for Global 连接ions

students learning African dance with villagers while on mission trip

Go Global with SBU's CGC


Southwest Baptist University’s Center for Global 连接ions (CGC) coordinates domestic and international ministry 项目, giving you an opportunity to 经验 diverse cultures, serve others, and share the Good 新闻 of the Gospel. The Center for Global 连接ions is dedicated to representing Christ globally by equipping the SBU community to live on mission (locally, domestically, and globally) and providing participants strategic educational 经验s to be holistically transformed.

Donate to a CGC Project

"CGC trips have transformed me in a lot of ways. I have learned to show Christ in everything I do and have formed close bonds with other believers."
Elementary education major from Raymore, Mo.


The purpose of the CGC is to connect you to a larger world. You should see your neighbor, your city, your country, "the ends of the earth" and be compelled to act. 的公司治理文化 is committed to developing student leaders for a global society. 你必须学会 care for others while preparing to serve with others as a team.  CGC带领学生 into the global classroom to learn and to minister to others physically, emotionally, 和精神上.

Thousands of students have served through the CGC since the department was founded, making it one of the largest short-term volunteer programs in the United States. These 项目 will expose you to short-term ministry in a cross-cultural 上下文, develop grace oriented leadership, and provide a healthy, safe, and loving community 经验.

How are CGC 项目 chosen?

CGC staff members work to select and establish service project opportunities. 大多数 项目 are formed through a connection already established with a church, alum, or mission organization. Projects are chosen based on opportunity for long-term impact.


的公司治理文化 provides access to a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in a cross-cultural 上下文. Some types of ministry opportunities that you can participate with the CGC 包括:

  • 村庄
  • 救灾
  • 市中心
  • 徒步旅行/村
  • 教英语
  • 难民和移民
  • Youth/children's ministry
  • 医疗
  • Hygiene/nutrition education
  • Well drilling/clean water
  • First American Reservation work

CGC提供 项目 year-round in a variety of locations both domestically and internationally. 他们 also facilitate the 联系 program, an opportunity geared toward SBU graduates who are committed to serving overseas for a full year.

View Current CGC Projects

Prepare for a CGC Project

When you choose to participate in a CGC project you are enrolled in a course that fulfills an Intercultural Studies academic credit. This is a requirement of anyone who wishes to be a part of a CGC ministry team. These ministry teams are not seen merely as an extra-curricular activity but as a valuable opportunity for you to learn, grow, serve, and reach the world beyond yourself. The curriculum for this course is designed to be fulfilled through both weekly trainings and an on-field 经验. 的公司治理文化 holds trainings for each team specific to the needs of the project to ensure you are well prepared for your particular task.

Over the course of a semester prior to leaving, the CGC staff will partner with you and come alongside you as you plan, train, and fundraise for your trip. CGC员工 is committed to your spiritual development and well-being as you seek to serve in 不同的位置. You will also develop deep relationships with your fellow teammates, with whom you will work closely with in the months leading up to departure.

CGC teams meet regularly throughout the semester leading up to the trip or project to prepare spiritually and logistically. CGC participants receive safety and security training relevant to their destination location and type of service project. 你会有所准备 to minimize risk, promote safe travel habits, learn about the culture you will encounter, and establish contingency plans and emergency procedures. 



For those interested in serving on a ministry team, please contact the Center for Global 连接ions at (417) 328-1900 or stop by the CGC office in the Goodson Student 联盟.

View Current CGC Projects
