注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

职业生涯 Services

student interacts with professional at career fair

Pursue Your Professional Goals

Southwest Baptist University 职业生涯 Services is dedicated to helping you explore potential vocations, prepare for your future and successfully transition into the professional 世界.

To help you investigate possible vocations, prepare for the professional realm, and achieve your goals, the 职业生涯 Services office offers one-on-one assistance 如:

  • Individualized career counseling
  • Advice about potential career opportunities
  • Mock job interviews
  • Help with resumes, cover letters and the entire job search process
  • Assessments, such as the Holland Codes, to determine potential career options

Whether you are just getting started or are well on your way in the job-search process, set up an appointment with 职业生涯 Services to take advantage of these and other great tools and resources.


Work alongside professionals in your field of study through internships. 取 knowledge you gain in the classroom and put it to work in the real 世界. Internships also often lead to employment opportunities after graduation.

职业生涯 Services and faculty in your area will help connect you with valuable internship experiences. Complete an internship in the local area during a fall or spring semester. During the summer, complete an internship anywhere in the 世界. Talk to your advisor or use the Handshake app to locate businesses hiring interns.

职业生涯 Fairs

Create contacts, network with potential employers and learn about job and internship opportunities at free regional career fairs hosted by SBU 职业生涯 Services in partnership with other regional institutions.

Job 资源 for Students

When it comes to searching for jobs, it’s all about knowing where to look. 职业生涯 Services unlocks access to informative resources to help you prepare for your future, 如:

  • Handshake app — Find internships and careers from the top employers, tech start-ups, nonprofits, and more with free access to the Handshake app through SBU.
  • What Can I Do With This Major? — Find major-specific job postings, general information, preparation strategies, common career fields, professional associations, and more
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) — NACE provides access to salary information, hiring outlooks, and employment trends, as well as additional resources and job postings for students who create a NACE account.

Current students can access numerous job search and career preparation resources on the 职业生涯 Services page of the MySBU 门户网站.

Employers and Recruiters

连接 with SBU Bearcats alumni and current students! Post jobs and internships, schedule on-campus interviews, register for career events, host information sessions, and more through the Handshake app.

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